Recycling and waste management at Al Ameed Coffee
At Al Ameed Coffee, we prioritize environmental protection and recognize the significance of recycling. Al Ameed Coffee Company follows a recycling plan and process for various materials used in the company, including cardboard, plastic, cardamom seeds, coffee waste, and coffee husks.
One notable recycling effort involves cardamom seeds, which are processed into food for worms, which in turn are used as chicken feed. This process helps provide natural feed for chickens within a productive environment supported by Al Ameed Coffee to supply the essential materials for this production process.
Additionally, coffee waste and husks are converted into natural fertilizers after adding water and other materials. This process has many benefits, including producing high-quality natural fertilizers primarily dependent on the type and quality of coffee waste and husks. The company ensures these materials are handled with care and stored in designated areas to maintain their quality. Al Ameed also utilizes advanced technologies in its products that are biodegradable and participates in all events that aim to preserve the natural environment.